Healing moment

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Mine was great. My wife, kids, kids-in-law, and grandkids were all there. Our tiny house was crammed full of family and love. My wife and I are (Read More)

A habit of gratefulness

I think being grateful is a good way to reduce stress and combat depression. But it is easy to forget to be grateful. Unfortunately the opposite is not true. It is easy to develop (Read More)

Back again

  Hi. Sorry I haven’t written in awhile. You know that rabbit hole I’ve mentioned before? Normally when I see myself getting too close to it I run the other way. But this time (Read More)


So. As some of you know, until Leuk causes symptoms, leukemia is an invisible disease. It’s easy to forget you have it. But, of course, it doesn’t take too long until a reminder shows (Read More)

Going out with love

I have a person in my life, someone important to me, who is angry with me. I found this out in a terse text message from him saying “never contact me again”. His anger (Read More)

Life, not Leuk, is my focus

A friend passed away today. She didn’t have leukemia but had a multitude of other heath problems. Though I wasn’t close to her it is still hard to lose someone, especially when she is (Read More)

Vision Christian Band prison music ministry

Vision Christian Band CD’s

[Editor’s note from the future: When I wrote this in 2016 is was offering our CD’s for sale. Now, in 2023, I am no longer selling them.] I don’t do a lot of advertising (Read More)

Never again

Wow. Have you ever “OD’d” on drugs? I have a medication I take for a condition unrelated to my leukemia. I normally take one pill in the morning and one in the evening. I’m (Read More)


What do we mean when we think of some people as being ‘normal’? Those of us who have a disease, such as this “glorious” leukemia, think of healthy people as ‘normal’. We say things (Read More)

Painting the house

Hi Guys.  Yesterday I was painting my house. (I hate painting.) I tripped on a dead rose bush stump and fell, banging my head. I swore like a trucker (under my breath since my (Read More)