Winning is a choice

Did you just receive the news that you have leukemia? When Leuk comes into your life he can stir up all sorts of reactions. For me, the reactions changed over time. It was a (Read More)


Finding a friend is like finding an agate on the beach. You have to look hard and only pick up the one you know is real. There are a lot of rocks that, at (Read More)

A word or two about depression

Whether you are struggling with Leukemia or not, depression can come knocking. I thought I’d write about what I’ve learned through research and personal experience. I’ll be upfront here… I struggled with depression sometime (Read More)

Trying again

Well, after an extremely long pause, I am starting up my exercise program. If you click the above exercise link you will see that my last exercise day was 3/20/12. Shameful. So this morning (Read More)

Regarding yesterday’s post

I normally only write posts on weekdays and take the weekends off, but I thought I’d make an exception today. Yesterday’s post was a bit of a downer. I get a little bummed out (Read More)


I came across Kay’s Leukemia Blog yesterday that a family had been keeping about their little girl’s progress. There was one last post. Kay, their beautiful 9 year-old daughter died from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Read More)

Getting used to Leuk

Having a good day today. Only slight dizziness that went away this afternoon. It is probably not caused by Leuk, but it is one of the side effects he likes to lay on ya. (Read More)

Welcome new readers

Hi new readers. If you’re dealing with this turkey named Leuk, you need to know you’re not alone. I have CLL type leukemia which I’m told stands for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. But I think (Read More)

Popeye said it best

Now I have three doctors looking into my dizziness issues. “Dizzy” isn’t really an accurate description. It’s a little hard to find words to explain it. A slight headache sometimes, but mostly a loss (Read More)