Working my way down

Bladder cancer

So… A couple posts back I showed you my crushed finger. The surgeon did a good job and, other than looking like the thing should belong to Frankenstein’s Monster (a lot of stitches), it’s healing nicely.

I’m still typing with just two fingers though. Damn, all that time in high school typing class and now reduced to this! (I guess the kids call it “keyboarding” now; very few youngin’s even know what a “typewriter” is.)

But wait… the fun continues…

I have yet another x-ray for you to see. That’s a little visitor in my bladder. Yep, a few weeks after my finger operation I had surgery for bladder cancer.

Oh, and did I forgot to mention the skin cancer on my ear? That surgery was a few weeks before my finger surgery.

Not to worry, they caught the bladder cancer early and I still have the ear–mostly.

It’s okay to laugh. Admit it, I know you want to. May was a real comedy-of-errors month. Except for the temporary pain from the surgery when I pee, I’m laughing too.

It goes something like this: ha, ha, OUCH!, ha, OUCH!, ha ha ha, OUCH!

Ear, finger, bladder–I seem to be working my way downward. What’s next? Maybe, hopefully, I’ll just stub my toe.

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