Bought a boat

lancerToday I bought a boat. My son and I met in Olympia to check it out. That’s 170 miles one way – a loooong drive to look at something you might not want. But it all panned out. The trip was worth it.

It’s a 25′ Lancer sailboat in good shape. Very dry and clean.

It came with a trailer so I can haul it home if I rent a truck. But we are considering sailing it up from Olympia. It would be a memorable two day trip with my son.

But even if we don’t do this trip, we are planning on doing some sailing together this summer around the northern Puget Sound islands.

I’m also hoping to put some sailing time in with my wife, daughter and son-in-law.

I wasn’t going to buy it, but my wife said it’s time we stop waiting for such things. She’s right. Putting things off with Leuk around is probably a poor strategy.

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5 Responses

  1. Tom Kaufman says:

    What a beautiful boat. Enjoy, enjoy!

    BTW, I drove 1600 miles one way, to look at a pickup this winter. Craigslist. The pickup is now sitting in my driveway.

  2. willie says:

    Thank you!!

  3. Jan says:
