Catching up–back to my personal leukemia blog

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this leukemia blog. I’m afraid I’ve let my other writing duties at fill up my schedule. But that’s a great site. It helps everyone, including myself, feel less alone when we can commune with other blood cancer patients.
Well, I’m back. It turns out some readers of that other blog are also reading this one so I better get busy and try to keep up.
I see my last post was way back in April. A lot’s happened since then. The main event was my wife’s emergency gallbladder surgery. It was pretty intense for a while but the surgery was a success. But this is August and she is still really tired. It’s hard seeing her so worn out. We’re kinda empathic. When one is sick it affects the other as well.
My son has found me a boat. As you may recall from a previous post, I lost my sailboat when a wind storm dropped a tree on her.
This one is a powerboat. It was free and thus needed work but my son is very good with engines––well he’s good at anything he takes on. He has the boat all ready to go and it is sitting in the harbor waiting for a time when my wife and I are up to using it.
It’s been difficult because she wants to go back on the water yet is very tired and needs me to take care of her. But we’ll get out there. It looks like we’ll actually be back out this week. We’ll see.
My leukemia is stable. Looks like I’m gonna be on this planet for a while. I do get a bit tired at times but I don’t know if that’s the leukemia, or just being older, or maybe because I’m an idiot and stay up too late.
With all that’s been going on, I’ve slacked off on my Youtube channel too. I really enjoyed doing that. Isn’t it funny how we can let the very things we enjoy slip? I hope to get back to making videos soon too.
So, that’s the catch up for now. For any of my new readers, feel free to dig back through this site using the Table of Contents in the menu or the tags in the left column (or below if you’re reading this on your cell phone). You’ll find there’s a lot of material dating way back to February 2012.
Live Long and Prosper Ya’ll.
Glad you are back…..I do enjoy your articles on Blood . I left you a comment on your talking about death article and how it really helped me with my Mom…..I don’t think you knew it was me…..Hope Willie is doing better….I don’t have either of your email addresses……Glad you got another boat.
Sheila… You’re smtjiblog? I had no idea. I should have recognized the initials. Thanks for being such a faithful reader of this M&L blog. I have no idea how many people actually read it but it helps to write it. I didn’t now you were following the blood cancer site. I’ll have to be on my toes now that I know a relative is reading that blog! Take care.