Choosing a doctor

choosing a doctor

My oncologist has retired so I’m choosing a new doctor. I only started with him last year. He had replaced my first doctor who, much to my pleasure, stopped doing work for my insurance provider. I liked this new doctor much better, but now he’s leaving too.

I hope he/she is as good as my last doctor. By good, of course, I mean: listens; doesn’t mind me asking the same question more than once; doesn’t make me feel rushed; and has a calm, reassuring demeanor.

When it comes to choosing a doctor, it’s important to remember one thing: they are not gods. Some may act like it, but the good ones are humble and respectful. If we start thinking they are infallible then we’re more likely to put up with over-inflated egos and impatient attitudes.

I don’t have the time or patience for that. Hopefully, my new doc will be as good as my last one. I think I’ll ask the receptionist which one she likes best. I know that sounds strange, but I’ll bet she has a good idea of which one is easiest to get along with. That’s pretty much what matters to me, assuming he or she knows their stuff.

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