Time to exercise for The Big Climb again

Empty treadmills

It was a sunny December day today so I did outside work. Picked up the yard, put stuff away for the winter, and cleaned the gutters. I did a lot of huffing and puffing but it got done.

I’m not sure the heavy breathing was due to my leukemia. It’s possible I’m just out of shape. In fact it is very possible. I haven’t exercised for many months––too much Netflix and not enough walking.

I’ve got to get my act together. The Big Climb is coming up again in March 2019. That’s only four months away! Holy cats. It seems I get more lackadaisical every year about preparing for the climb.

This will be my fifth year climbing the Columbia Center building in Seattle (the tallest building in the Pacific Northwest). It’s 788 feet strait up in the emergency stairwell. If I hope to make it to the top I better get back on the old treadmill soon.

[Photo by chuttersnap]

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