Odd Day

Odd day today. I’m not feeling so hot physically, but I’m in a good mood. I’m having some dizziness but still getting stuff done – as long as I move slow and do most (Read More)


Today’s a rough one. I was fine when I got up. I’m working in the office just designing labels, burning CD’s of photos for a client, invoicing, and making a few phone calls. But (Read More)


I woke up the other day, keenly aware of the limited time I have of ‘normal’ life. I’m going to live a good many years, but I don’t know how healthy I’ll feel when, (Read More)

Staying busy

Today I spent most of my time on the computer processing photos. Oh, I guess I haven’t told you, I have a part-time (well, very part time in this economy) business doing photography, writing, (Read More)

Coming Out

Well, I’ve decided to come out of the closet… Not THAT closet! I mean the one where I’m trying to hide my leukemia. I’ve been worried that once people knew what I had they (Read More)