Author: Jim

Supporting leukemia patient

No CLL pity parties

Many people I know are struggling with some sort of life threatening disease yet they hang onto Hope. My sister-in-law has multiple diseases and her life is in the balance. One of my cousins (Read More)

Round Two pneumonia again

Round two

Sorry I haven’t written for awhile. I got hit with pneumonia again after only a two month reprieve! I’m going to have to check with my oncologist to see if my immune system is (Read More)

Big Climb for leukemia

Conquered the Big Climb!

My son and I did it! We made it to the top of the Columbia Center for this year’s Big Climb. I was a bit apprehensive since I hadn’t done any preparatory exercising. I (Read More)

No more pneumonia

Beat the pneumonia!

Okay. I’m back (mostly). The pneumonia hit me hard. My energy is still a bit lower than usual but I’m feeling a lot better. I’m driving, eating, writing, oh yeah… and breathing again. Wow. (Read More)

Sick with pneumonia

Pneumonia? What the hey?!

Hello Readers Just when I thought I was done with the flu… now it’s pneumonia! You’d think leukemia would be enough but collecting diseases seems to becoming a hobby with me! It’s got me (Read More)

Sick in bed

The Flu wake-up

Wow. Did I ever have a wake-up call! I’ve had the flu this week. It came on fast and it came on hard. I don’t want to be gross but lets just say both ends (Read More)

Dog yawning, no motivation


Been feeling good lately but still have problems with motivation. I’m not staying on track with my goals (writing & exercise). I need to complete them. We need the added income my writing will (Read More)