Tagged: medical

Bladder cancer

Working my way down

So… A couple posts back I showed you my crushed finger. The surgeon did a good job and, other than looking like the thing should belong to Frankenstein’s Monster (a lot of stitches), it’s (Read More)

Smashed finger


Okay, I just came up with the perfect distraction to take my mind off leukemia. Although I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else. Last week I was trying to unhook a utility trailer from (Read More)

choosing a doctor

Choosing a doctor

My oncologist has retired so I’m choosing a new doctor. I only started with him last year. He had replaced my first doctor who, much to my pleasure, stopped doing work for my insurance (Read More)

Empty shelves during the coronavirus pandemic

The Virus

I went grocery shopping recently. It’s not like the old days, you know, four weeks ago. No, now things are different; the coronavirus has hit our state. My local grocer opens an hour early (Read More)

Dizzy Man

Weird head thing

So. I’ve got that strange slightly dizzy feeling in my head again. Not really dizzy, just strange. I think the medical term in Latin is Weirdus Maximus. (That’s not me in the photo BTW.) (Read More)

Arthritis? Really?

Remember those posts I did about my “Occult fracture” and the “MRI”? Well, I haven’t yet mentioned the results. It was nothing as heal-able as a fracture. It wasn’t a fracture at all. I (Read More)


So. As some of you know, until Leuk causes symptoms, leukemia is an invisible disease. It’s easy to forget you have it. But, of course, it doesn’t take too long until a reminder shows (Read More)

Never again

Wow. Have you ever “OD’d” on drugs? I have a medication I take for a condition unrelated to my leukemia. I normally take one pill in the morning and one in the evening. I’m (Read More)

Occult fracture

Here’s an update on a previous post: The docs say my sore leg is not due to lymph nodes pinching off a nerve. Instead they think it may just be a small fracture from (Read More)