Tagged: medical

Oh joy

Today I get to go see my cancer doc for my bi-annual check up. Oh joy. You know, just a few years back I would have never imagined myself going to a building called (Read More)

Of mice and T-cells

Some potentially good news is coming through the media (in this case CBS news) about a new cancer treatment using genetically modified T-cells. According to the report researchers are already testing it on terminally (Read More)

Treating Nausea

If you’re undergoing Chemo you are probably facing some “fun” side effects. Nausea being right up at the top of list. There is some excellent advice and suggested medications for dealing with and treating (Read More)

Blood test results Feb 23, 2016

I’ve updated my Score Card page. The most current lab test showed a slight increase. I am slowly creeping up in numbers but still doing okay according to my doctor. My White Blood Cell (Read More)

Lowered meds seem to be helping

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, my doctor agrees with me that my meds may have been causing the vertigo problems. He has reduced my dosage to see if that helps. Since I’ve (Read More)

Very good news

I just received some good news regarding recent tests. Back on my post of February 7th, 2014, I talked about upcoming blood tests. The results are in now and the news is good. If (Read More)

Vitamin D3 and CLL

I’ve been reading about vitamin D3. It looks like it may help with the fight against Leuk. Researchers are taking a look at vitamin D3 to see if it has a positive effect on (Read More)

New drug on the scene

[Important: Before reading the following post, please see my ‘disclaimer‘ page.] A friend who is retired from the pharmaceutical industry recently gave me a lead on a new drug for treating some forms of (Read More)