Doing battle with the beavers
Good day today. Got some computer work done. Felt great. It’s a good thing too, because I had to do battle with the beavers again. They keep damming up my run-off ditch which causes (Read More)
Good day today. Got some computer work done. Felt great. It’s a good thing too, because I had to do battle with the beavers again. They keep damming up my run-off ditch which causes (Read More)
This might be a little off-topic but I’ve gotta say it. It’s not often that I find myself disagreeing with conservatives. This time I sternly disagree. The president of Western Washington University used the (Read More)
Yay! I’m online at home. The dish just got set up. It took me awhile to get my computer to recognize the wireless connection but I got it going. Actually, I’m not sure exactly (Read More)
I’m finally getting internet access at my home… at great cost! You see, I live in a black hole. None of the land based ISP’s come out to me (we live in the sticks). (Read More)
Happy New Year all! Maybe it’s just me, but I finally got used to writing 2013 on everything. Now it’s going to be 2014 and I have to start all over trying to remember. (Read More)
Hi new readers. If you’re dealing with this turkey named Leuk, you need to know you’re not alone. I have CLL type leukemia which I’m told stands for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. But I think (Read More)
Had problems focusing today. Hard to get going and be enthused about anything. Even writing this blog was a push… as evidenced by these measly three sentences!
Busy day today. Laundry, housework, working on my business, getting groceries, car struggles to start, taking the damn thing to the shop, paying bills, writing this blog, going to work. Whew! Not much time (Read More)
This was a great week! I did shoots (that’s photography, not guns!) for an interior designer, a design/contractor, and a real estate agent. I also have three potential jobs in the works. My business (Read More)
Well, I’ve decided to come out of the closet… Not THAT closet! I mean the one where I’m trying to hide my leukemia. I’ve been worried that once people knew what I had they (Read More)
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