Sailing Puns

It’s a great day. The sun isn’t shining, but who cares… Its Washington State after all!

Did I mention I obtained a free sailboat? It’s a Buccaneer 220. My son and I are going to give it a shake-down cruise to see what needs fix’n. It will be good to be back out on the water. I’ve got saltwater in my veins… harrrr! (Well, technically, we all have saltwater in our veins, but you get the drift.)

I’ll be sailing you later, luff to hear from you, I’m really mizen you, its a halyard of a day, I’m beam-ing with joy, please don’t be stern cuz I’m aft to get upset, I wouldn’t want ta have to keel ya…

Okay, I’ll stop. Bye.

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1 Response

  1. Jan says:

    Punny fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I especially like the humor and writing skills of Frederick Buechner, who wisely wrote: “Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith.” I truly believe that. I think our God is too small when we think we know everything about him.l