Depressed egg

I’ve stopped exercising

The Big Climb started up again this year. It had been virtual for the last two years. This was going to be the real thing. I signed up and so did several of my (Read More)

Jim & Wilma teenagers

Video brings back memories

I just completed making a video for my wife’s 70th birthday. That’s right, I said “70”! It covers from her baby picture to our high school dating, college, marriage, kids, and, what do I (Read More)

Me and Leuk is back

He’s baaaaaack!

Well, I’m back writing for this blog again. I’ve decided to stop writing for for a while. It’s been a good run and looking back I’m surprised to see how many articles I’ve (Read More)

Blood Test July 2021

Labs July 2021

I neglected to do blood tests for nearly a year. I had other things on my mind, like Covid! So here’s my latest labs done on July 2021. Numbers are looking good. They’re near (Read More)

Peaceful scene

Peaceful state

I’ve reached a point in my life where I’ve settled negative issues with others, forgiven those that have done me wrong, asked forgiveness of those I’ve done wrong, and (mostly at least) forgiven myself (Read More)

Blood Test August 2020

Blood Test August 2020

I just got the results for my latest blood test done on August 24, 2020. The results are better than they’ve been since 2013. I usually have tests done every three months, but sometimes (Read More)

choosing a doctor

Choosing a doctor

My oncologist has retired so I’m choosing a new doctor. I only started with him last year. He had replaced my first doctor who, much to my pleasure, stopped doing work for my insurance (Read More)

Empty shelves during the coronavirus pandemic

The Virus

I went grocery shopping recently. It’s not like the old days, you know, four weeks ago. No, now things are different; the coronavirus has hit our state. My local grocer opens an hour early (Read More)

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