A bottle of cougar urine

Cougar what?!

I was cleaning out my office and guess what I found… Yes it really is cougar pee. Back when I was having trouble with beavers invading my property I had big hopes for this (Read More)

My wife

Feeling good today. I have to go in and get poked for a blood test but at least the phlebotomist is pretty. Unless I get Brunhilda with her needle the size of a 16 (Read More)

My Mom and Dad

My parents

I visited my parent’s grave this weekend. I hadn’t been there since we buried them six years ago. It’s so odd. The people who raised me, who were the center of my life – (Read More)

Whew! At the gym again

I started exercising yesterday. I actually went to the gym. Imagine that! It has been a long time and my sore muscles prove it. But I have to get back into some semblance of (Read More)

Tears of love

My daughter, her husband, and their two children moved in with us while their new house was being built. This physical closeness (there were six of us in a very small house!) gave us (Read More)

On “closure”

I said something in yesterday’s post that’s been bothering me. I brought up the subject of telling a family member or friend something that needs saying. It may be the case that you can’t (Read More)


I got some work done on my book yesterday. Perhaps it’s because I haven’t been feeling so hot (probably just a Cold), or because I put that damn counter on my Goals page, but (Read More)


I think we need laughter, especially when we are sick. My philosophy is: cry a little, laugh a lot. So I’ve added more puns to the Pun-gasms page. Enjoy, laugh, and forget about Leuk (Read More)

Arthritis? Really?

Remember those posts I did about my “Occult fracture” and the “MRI”? Well, I haven’t yet mentioned the results. It was nothing as heal-able as a fracture. It wasn’t a fracture at all. I (Read More)

Hump Day

Well it’s Wednesday – “hump day” as we call it here. No, it’s because it’s in the middle of the week, now get your mind out of the gutter. It’s a beautiful sunny day, (Read More)