February 2017 blood tests

It’s time again for my lab work. I was worried this time because I’ve been tired. I normally do the test every three months but I’ve had a cold on and off and I (Read More)

Of life and death

My cousin came just moments away from dying last week. She has R.A. which requires her to take regular shots of a medicine that lowers her immune system. Her choice is to risk infection (Read More)

Car stuck in snow

Stuck in the snow

February, as usual, decided to give us a last blast of Winter before Spring. Now I don’t mind the snow, my wife and I enjoy how beautiful the yard looks all covered in a (Read More)

Apple computer closed

Keep busy

Wow. Something got into me yesterday. I spent nearly eight hours writing my book. Eight hours! That’s like working at a “real” job. I am so close to being done. There are still some (Read More)

Dizzy writer

I’ve had that dizziness for the last three days. It went away when they discovered it was being caused by a medication overdose. I don’t have that problem anymore so this must be for (Read More)

Car stuck in the snow

Snowy thoughts

Not feeling too hot today but I’m not letting it get me down. The snow is wet and thick outside. It’s pretty and I’m enjoying it because I don’t have to go anywhere. Still, (Read More)

Leukemia not bugging me today, yay!

Feeling great today. Designed a business card for my son’s electrical business and am now about to do some writing. It’s a relatively warm day for winter. The sun is shining through the clouds (Read More)

Climbing to beat Leuk

Well, I’m going for it again. I will be participating in the 31st Annual Big Climb on Sunday, March 26th. I’ve started my fundraising a little late this year and have only until March (Read More)